Myke's Notes

A journal of my thoughts on technology, software and other interesting ideas

Virtual Threads Java's Approach to Structured Concurrency

The last few days have seen the release of the long awaited virtual threads, a great step in improving Java’s existing concurrency models. While the idea of virtual threads, isn’t new, it is a welcome addition to the java developer’s toolkit.

Building a mental model

Go through the rest of the day with an attitude of “mindful focus.” That means that you are doing one thing at a time, being as present as you can, switching as little as you can.

Think of it as a settling of the mind. A new mode of being. A mindfulness practice (which means you won’t be perfect at it).

As you practice mindful focus, you’ll learn to practice doing things with an open heart, with curiosity and gratitude, and even joy. Try these one at a time as you get to do each task on your Short List.

You’ll find that you’re not so overloaded, but that each task is just perfect for that moment. And that’s a completely new relationship with the work that you do, and a new relationship with life.